RSVPWe look forward to celebrating with you!To help us plan better, we kindly ask you to provide a few details below.Please let us know if you can join us as soon as possible and no later than December 31, 2024. Name * Vorname Nachname E-Mail * Welcome and Wine Tasting - 11. July * Will you be attending the wine tasting and welcome evening on July 11 in Langenlois? Ja Nein Wedding Ceremony & Summer Celebration - 12. July * Will you be attending the wedding ceremony and summer celebration on July 12 at Arche Noah in Schiltern? Ja Nein Any food intolerances? There will be exclusively vegetarian and vegan food. If you have any additional dietary restrictions, please let us know. Carpooling options We will have some guests coming from abroad. To facilitate travel arrangements, we will try to organize carpooling from Vienna to Langenlois and back. If anyone can offer a ride, we would appreciate it if you could note it below (including the number of available seats). Any other questions or comments? Vielen Dank!